Wednesday, September 28, 2016

New Gov’t Operation Denies Citizens Access to Guns & Gold

New Gov’t Operation Denies Citizens Access to Guns & Gold

loretta_lynchAs first exposed by the Wall Street Journal, the Department of Justice and bank regulators are unconstitutionally pressuring banks to refuse banking services to perfectly legal industries, under the guise that they pose a “reputation risk” to the bank. Not surprisingly, two of the main industries targeted by this illegal program just happen to be two of the biggest threats to the federal government: guns and gold. That’s right, the federal government is actively trying to choke sellers of guns & precious metals out of the financial industry. The government’s stunning objective with such an operation: to cut off American citizens from access to guns & gold completely. So if you’ve been waiting for the opportunity to defend your savings & retirement from government overreach, you better act soon.

Operation Choke Point

damon_geller_authorAs initially reported by the Wall Street Journal, “Operation Choke Point” was secretly launched to cut certain industries off from banking services, under the pretense that they jeopardize the “reputation” of the banks. Since no company can survive in today’s world without the ability to make banking transactions, Operation Choke Point’s clear objective is to destroy certain industries.
Which industries? As reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, critics believe “it’s a thinly veiled ideological attack on industries the Obama administration doesn’t like,” such as gun sellers, precious metals companies, and coal producers.  After a huge public outcry, the FDIC issued a light retraction to the policy, but reports have recently surfaced that the gov’t & banks are still targeting industries they don’t like.
Operation Choke Point is conducted without first having shown that the targeted companies are violating the law. All of the targeted industries are perfectly legal, and the companies have not been charged with any crime. So the government is shutting legal companies out of the financial industry – effectively shutting them down – without any shred of due process! And this comes on the heels of numerous government programs to unconstitutionally confiscate citizen savings & retirement. The U.S. government is officially out of control!

Why Gold?

There’s no need to explain why the federal government would want to shut down gun manufacturers & sellers. A well regulated militia — although necessary to the security of a free state — is a direct threat to a tyrannical government. The question is, why target gold? The obvious answer: gold is as great a threat to the nefarious interests of the state as guns are!
Why? Because the United States and governments across the globe are increasingly turning to private wealth confiscation in order to manage their massive debts and maintain their power structure. Throughout America, police seize cash from innocent citizens without ever charging them with a crime. Bankers conspire with the IRS to seize the accounts of innocent citizens with no notification, no court order, and no charge of crimes. The IMF proposes global wealth confiscation as a means of funding bankrupt governments. And Congress passes controversial new laws to make your savings & retirement a prime target for confiscation.
So with our desperate government gaining unprecedented access to your personal savings anywhere in the world, naturally the government’s interests are threatened by the one asset — gold & silver — that takes your money out of the digital financial system and beyond government control. Gold & silver are the ONE asset class this sits outside the financial system and is completely secure from government confiscation and global economic collapse. So when you keep some of your savings & retirement in physical gold & silver, you keep it out of government reach.

The Time to Act is Now

Gold & silver have been the best wealth protectors for over 5,000 years and have survived every government & currency collapse in history. But now the government threatens your ability to access gold & silver at a time in history when you most need it — a time when governments are going bankrupt and global banks teeter on the edge of total collapse. So the time to act is now.
Protect your savings & retirement with physical gold & silver while you can still get it… before you have nothing left to protect.
(Call (855) 335-7400 to receive your free copy of Damon Geller’s popular book, “Defend Your Money against Gov't Confiscation” AND your free Gold & Sliver guide, or fill in the form below)

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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Breaking: Guccifer 2.0 Releases More DNC Docs, Exposing More Corruption

Breaking: Guccifer 2.0 Releases More DNC Docs, Exposing More Corruption

New evidence proves Clinton was always the Democratic choice

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton .
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Photo: Justin Sullivan for Getty
On September 23, hacker Guccifer 2.0 released more documents obtained from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).
Last week, WikiLeaks directly released files from Guccifer 2.0 through their Twitter account. Among them was a high-profile donor list revealing the pay-to-play appointments of several ambassadorships and other positions by President Barack Obama. On September 15, Guccifer 2.0 released several DCCC memos on a WordPress site, including one from Ohio dated December 9, 2015 that referred to Hillary Clinton as the Democratic presidential nominee before the primaries began, even though Sen. Bernie Sanders was just a few points behind Clinton in most polls. “With former Governor Ted Strickland and Secretary Clinton on the ballot, there will be a boost from the top of the ticket,” read the memo.
Based on many similar memos and documents released by Guccifer 2.0 from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and DCCC, it appears the Democratic Party leadership felt strangely self-assured Clinton would be their presidential nominee before a single vote was cast. The Clinton campaign and DNC have not disputed the veracity of any files or documents leaked, rather they have portrayed themselves as the victims of Russian hackers to divert attention from the content of the leaks.
Guccifer 2.0’s latest release includes a dossier file of DCCC Chair Ben Ray Lujan, a Democratic congressman from New Mexico. The extensive file includes hundreds of pages of statements, speeches, financial data and weak and strong points in anticipation of his re-election bid this November, and likely to prepare his political career for bigger ambitions. Among the weak points listed in the dossier is nepotism, as Ben Ray Lujan’s father, Ben Lujan Sr. was the Speaker of the New Mexico House of Representatives, and helped Lujan initially get elected to congress. Lujan’s cousin, Michelle Lujan Grisham, also serves in congress for a separate district in New Mexico.
One document provides talking points for Lujan to make a call to controversial New Jersey Democratic donor George Norcross in March 2015. “We need Mr. Norcross’ help in recruiting top targets such as State Sen. Van Drew, to run in NJ-2.  Ideally, he would call the recruits that we feel are the best and encourage them to run,” read the memo. “Likewise it would be ideal if he could mention his support when asked by others in his powerful circle. This will help to validate our candidates with the political and donor classes.” In a 2013 article, Philadelphia Magazine called Norcross “the man who destroyed democracy.” The DCCC memo reveals the Democratic Party has not only embraced wealthy donors influencing the political system but aggressively courts their input in pushing for their mutually preferred candidates.
Another memo dated April 2016 details a congressional race in Utah and notes, “Trump is extremely unpopular in Utah. Public polling has shown that Hillary Clinton could beat Trump in the very conservative state.” The memo provides further evidence the Democratic Party developed their short-term and long-term strategies with Clinton in mind as their nominee. Sanders wasn’t mentioned at all as a possible option or alternative; strategies incorporating him as the potential nominee were never discussed in these memos.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Watch The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah Accidentally Destroy The Case For Gun Control

Watch The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah Accidentally Destroy The Case For Gun Control

Watch The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah Accidentally Destroy The Case For Gun Control

"Maybe he's onto something, because if you think about it, we've never tried that. We've never actually tried to repel terrorists with signs. Yeah, maybe that's all the airports need is a sign that says 'No Terrorists.'"
Trevor Noah, the host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, accidentally destroyed the case for gun control during his show on Wednesday night.
Noah’s accidental broadside against gun-free zones came during a portion of his opening monologue in which he made fun of a Minnesota man fed up with Islamic terrorism. The target of Noah’s ire was an ice cream shop owner in a small town southeast of St. Cloud, Minnesota — the site of a mass stabbing at a mall last weekend — who put up a sign outside of his restaurant that read, “Muslims Get Out.”
Noah mocked the store owner for a little bit, but then he moved on to the meat of his opening bit by mocking the man’s rationale for his “Muslims Get Out” sign:
You know what’s also strange is this man genuinely thought people who go around blowing people up would be stopped by a sign? You realize you’re talking to terrorists, not vampires. They don’t need to be invited in, alright? Or maybe he’s onto something, because if you think about it, we’ve never tried that. We’ve never actually tried to repel terrorists with signs. Yeah, maybe that’s all the airports need is a sign that says “No Terrorists,” yes? Yeah, and then guys are going to be walking going, “Oh, I was going to blow up the airport, but the rules are rules and they said I can’t come in. They said I can’t. They said I can’t come in.”

Does that argument sound familiar?
Noah probably doesn’t know it, but he just accidentally made an airtight case against gun-free zones in particular and gun control in general. He is 100 percent correct: people hell-bent on murdering as many people as possible don’t really care about silly signs or laws that tell them not to murder people. A sign that says “No Guns” will no more keep a violent jihadi from gunning down a bunch of innocent people than will a sign that says “Muslims Get Out.” And how do we know that gun-free zones, nearly always marked with signs designating them as such, don’t deter murderous psychopaths? Because mass shootings, rather than happening at gun ranges or in gun stores, keep happening in gun-free zones.
Contrary to Trevor Noah’s snarky assertion that “we’ve never tried to repel terrorists with signs,” our country has fecklessly tried for years to “repel terrorists with signs.”
The Sandy Hook massacre? Gun-free zone. Columbine? Gun-free zone. The Aurora movie theater shooting? Gun-free zone. The shooting last year at an Oregon community college? Gun-free zone. The shooting at a movie theater in Lafayette? Gun-free zone. The attack on a military recruiting center in Chattanooga? Gun-free zone. The Ft. Hood shooting? You guessed it: gun-free zone. The San Bernardino attack? Gun-free zone. And the massacre perpetrated by an ISIS enthusiast at an Orlando night club? Gun-free zone.
While Noah clearly doesn’t grasp the logical implications of his argument, his particular insight — that evil people who want to do evil things will find ways to carry out their schemes regardless of what signs you post or laws you pass — forms the foundation of the entire argument against gun control.
Bad people who want to murder you don’t care about your stupid signs and stupid laws.
New York City, for example, is a pressure cooker bomb-free zone. That mall in Minnesota was most definitely a weaponized knife-free zone. And yet… Terrorists don’t care that terrorism is illegal. They care about killing you. And they’ll kill you with whatever they can, whether it’s a gun, a knife, a pressure cooker, or a box cutter.
“Yeah, but this just proves we need to have stricter gun laws to prevent terrorists from getting guns in the first place,” Trevor Noah might respond. “Gun control is about more than just signs telling people not to do stuff.”
Except it’s not. The entire premise of gun control is that words on a piece of paper somewhere will prevent a terrorist from killing people. What is a law if not a sign that says what you’re allowed and not allowed to do? Yet time and time and time and time again, strict gun control regimes have completely failed to prevent mass murderers from committing mass murder. Chicago and Washington, D.C., have some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, yet those laws have done little to stem the tide of gun crime in those cities.
As Trevor Noah demonstrated via his mockery of the Minnesota man with the “Muslims Get Out” sign at his restaurant, the logic of gun control that says signs forbidding bad stuff stops bad stuff from happening is nonsensical. “Words stop bad things from happening” is just dumb. A sign that says “Muslims Get Out” will do absolutely nothing to prevent radical Islamists from wreaking havoc. Trevor Noah understands this. If only he would learn to apply his logic to the argument from gun controllers that all we need to end violence are a few more signs telling terrorists not to use guns.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Government shouldn't seek to direct or control press coverage

Government shouldn't seek to direct or control press coverage

There’s a disturbing tendency in the Obama White House to lecture journalists on how to do their jobs. But if journalists only report what government officials wish them to report, and only when those officials deem it the proper time, then where’s the accountability. Here’s President Obama, on Monday, following terrorist bombings in New York and New Jersey.“I would ask that the press try to refrain from getting out ahead of the investigation,” Obama said in a press conference. He praised law enforcement, but scolded the media for concluding (from bombs going off) that bombs had gone off.“It does not help if false reports or incomplete information is out there,” he said.The irony here is that even as Obama spoke, reports were being confirmed that Ahmad Khan Rahami, the man allegedly responsible for the bombs, was in police custody following a shootout. Obama made no mention of that. Were reporters supposed to “refrain from getting out ahead” of the president on this important development?Then there’s Secretary of State John Kerry, who sees global warming as a bigger threat than ISIS.He says journalists shouldn’t cover terrorism, because it only serves to inform people.
“If you decide one day you’re going to be a terrorist and you’re willing to kill yourself, you can go out and kill some people,” he said. “You can make some noise... perhaps the media would do us all a service if they didn’t cover it quite as much. People wouldn’t know what’s going on.”
Yes, that’s the point.
Of course the administration would love to have greater control of what newspapers print and broadcasters say. The administration’s narrative is that terrorism is, in fact, a battle of narratives. Actual bombings disrupt that portrayal of things.
Yet a free press is a fundamental component of our system of government.
“The only security of all is in a free press,” Thomas Jefferson wrote to his friend the Marquis de Lafayette. “The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure.”
He went on to tell John Jay, “Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it.”
That doesn’t mean Jefferson was always happy with the press; he excoriated the newspapers of the time - but never sought to limit them.
“Our printers raven on the agonies of their victims, as wolves do on the blood of the lamb,” he wrote to James Monroe.
Yet still, he said, “I am for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents.”
It’s not just the Obama administration, of course. Many levels of government would love to be their own watchdogs.
But that’s not how it works. The press must remain independent of the government it covers

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Republicans Are Recruiting Observers To Monitor Rigging Of Election


If you think that there is no possibility of voter fraud in the upcoming election, you are naive or a democrat. People have been known to vote for democrats from the grave. In some instances in the last election, whole districts have voted 100% democrat. so if you do not think illegals, migrants are getting the right to vote republican you are vastly mistaken. So Donald Trump, who always seems to be a step ahead of Hillary, will find a way to make sure the election is on the up and up, as best as possible.
According to Tea Party:
GOP nominee Donald Trump is actively recruiting supporters in order to form an army of ‘Election Observers’ to monitor polls on Election Day and ensure that voter fraud is prevented and exposed. A section has been added to Trump’s campaign website describing how supporters can get more information and  sign up to be a “volunteer Trump Election Observer.” Trump has specifically pointed to the fact that in the past fortnight, five courts in five states have ruled against voter ID and proof-of-citizenship laws. Trump said he is worried that the decisions will lead to widespread voter fraud.
Mr. Trump has a valid concern as all that wish no improprities. There has been speculation and acquisition since 2000 and the “Clinging chad”. This should not be in the United States, we are not a banana republic and should not act like one. The democrats have to be watched, they will try anything to keep power.


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sniper takes out ISIS executioner from a mile away

Sniper takes out ISIS executioner from a mile away

A sharpshooter killed a top ISIS executioner and three other jihadists with a single bullet from nearly a mile away — just seconds before the fiend was set to burn 12 hostages alive with a flamethrower, according to a new report.
The British Special Air Service marksman turned one of the most hated terrorists in Syria into a fireball by using a Barett .50-caliber rifle to strike a fuel tank affixed to the jihadi’s back, the UK’s Daily Star reported Sunday.
The pack exploded, killing the sadistic terrorist and three of his flunkies, who were supposed to film the execution, last month, the paper said.
The ISIS butcher — who reportedly delighted in burning hostages alive — had been on a US “kill list” for several months, sources told the paper, which did not identify the sniper or the executioner.
He and his band of wicked men had been traveling around ISIS-held compounds in Syria slaughtering civilians labeled as spies.
Their prisoners were tied to stakes or thrown in cages before being torched by the executioner, according to the report.
ISIS started using flamethrowers after the torture method was popularized in North Korea.
The ISIS killer was so feared that his victims would beg to be shot rather than be set on fire.
Just before the sniper rescue operation outside of Raqqa, Syria, “the SAS team moved into an overwatch position above a village where they were told the execution was going to take place,” a source told the Star.
“Up to 12 civilians were going to be murdered — eight men and four women.
“The executioner gave some sort of rambling speech . . . then when he finished, the SAS sniper opened fire,” the source said.
The captives were then rescued by British and US special forces.
The rescue comes just months after another SAS sniper killed two ISIS car bombers as they drove toward Libya. The sniper’s bullet went through the driver’s skull and into the passenger’s neck, taking both out.