Tuesday, August 23, 2016

After Being Shamed by Trump, Louisiana’s Dem Governor STUNS America By Announcing THIS

After Being Shamed by Trump, Louisiana’s Dem Governor STUNS America By Announcing THIS

Liberals have been slamming Trump over his visit to Louisiana while conservatives have been calling it the most brilliant move of the election. Oddly enough, those closest to Trump insist it was not a political move, just Trump showing an interest in American people under duress.
One of the most outspoken against his visit was Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards, who said he did not want Trump using the floods as a Photo Op. Today, he was forced to eat his words and admit Trump’s visit was actually “helpful,” via CNN.

Edwards may now find himself facing the wrath of both Hillary and Obama, as he further stated, “I also appreciated the good phone call, the conversation that I had with Gov. Pence, who was since and genuine when he called, and we spoke for a long time on Friday morning about their desire to be helpful.”
You see, this cuts both Hillary and Obama off at the knees because you know they want to say Trump was just getting in the way and using it to promote his campaign.
Instead, what voters will now hear is, “Because it helped to shine a spotlight on Louisiana and on the dire situation that we have here… it was helpful.”
Edwards did not completely sell out Obama, though, as he insisted he told Obama to stay away until the initial first response stage was over and that he would be there next week.
Unlike Katrina, when Obama shredded Bush for merely flying over the area, it was obviously safe to be the ground, as both Trump and Pence proved.
The people of this country, more specifically liberals, got a real taste of the true difference between Hillary and Trump.
Hillary talks a great game, but she never delivers anything other than cash to her coffers, much like the Dems have been doing for decades.
Trump actually did something for the people he represents, or wants to represent.
Oh, and Obama, he played a couple of rounds of golf and hosted a party for serial rapist Bill Clinton’s 70th Birthday.
Click here to get my DAILY Trump email newsletter free!!

Southern Command Warns Sunni Extremists Infiltrating From South

Southern Command Warns Sunni Extremists Infiltrating From South

Islamists freely cross U.S. border with help of S. American alien smugglers

A Mexican soldier patrols along the U.S.-Mexico border wall on the outskirts of Nogales, Mexico
A Mexican soldier patrols along the U.S.-Mexico border wall on the outskirts of Nogales, Mexico / AP

Sunni extremists are infiltrating the United States with the help of alien smugglers in South America and are crossing U.S. borders with ease, according to a U.S. South Command intelligence report.
The Command’s J-2 intelligence directorate reported recently in internal channels that “special interest aliens” are working with a known alien smuggling network in Latin America to reach the United States. The smuggling network was not identified.
Army Col. Lisa A. Garcia, a Southcom spokeswoman, did not address the intelligence report directly but said Sunni terrorist infiltration is a security concern.
“Networks that specialize in smuggling individuals from regions of terrorist concern, mainly from the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, the Middle East, and East Africa, are indeed a concern for Southcom and other interagency security partners who support our country’s national security,” Garcia told the Washington Free Beacon.
“There are major hubs that serve as entry points into the region for migrants from those areas of concern attempting to enter the U.S. along our border with Mexico,” she said.
The infiltrators from terrorist states and unstable regions exploit vulnerabilities in commercial transportation systems and immigration enforcement agencies in some of the countries used for transit, Garcia said.
“In 2015, we saw a total of 331,000 migrants enter the southwestern border between the U.S. and Mexico, of that we estimate more than 30,000 of those were from countries of terrorist concern,” she said.
Another problem in dealing with migrants from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia is a lack of information among the governments of the countries used by potential terrorists for transit.
The exploitation of alien smuggling networks by terrorists until recently had been dismissed by both American security officials and private security experts as largely an urban myth.
However, the Southcom intelligence report revealed that the threat of Islamist terror infiltration is no longer theoretical. “This makes the case for Trump’s wall,” said one American security official of the Southcom report. “These guys are doing whatever they want to get in the country.”
Adm. Kurt Tidd, Southcom’s commander, said last week that the lack of information is hampering security efforts against alien smuggling.
“An element that has been long recognized is that our ability to track people moving through transportation systems is an area that we must continue to devote efforts on, and the ease with which human traffickers are able to use our transportation systems to move people through the networks relatively undetected should give us all concern,” Tidd said.
Special interest aliens are described by the U.S. government as aliens who pose a potential terrorism threat coming from 34 nations in the Middle East, Africa, Southwest Asia, Central Asia, and East Asia. The list of states of concern includes Afghanistan, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Eritrea, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump last week called for stepped up counterterrorism measures that he said would involve “extreme vetting” of immigrants in a bid to better screen out potential terrorists.
Trump also has made a campaign theme the construction of a wall across the United States’ southern border as part of efforts to better control the flood of illegal immigrants.
Joel Vargas, head of Contingent Security Services and a consultant to law enforcement agencies, said there is no evidence Sunni extremists are creating new relationships with alien smugglers. However, he said in an email that “existing smuggling networks from Central America are increasing their access.”
“We have intercepted immigrants coming from Asia but we have been unable to determine if they are extremists,” Vargas said. “Our Sunni illegal migration coming from [Latin America] is very small. On the other hand, they can use the networks set up by the Shia.”
A report produced by Vargas for the International Airport, Seaport and Transport Police states that the Iran-backed Shiite terror group Hezbollah mainly has ties to Latin American through overseas Lebanese expatriates.
Hezbollah recently increased support in transnational crime in the region by supply arms and training to various groups.
“Hezbollah’s current goals appear to be focused on accruing resources rather than conducting offensive operations, however the group’s growing capabilities are still a clear threat to regional U.S. interests,” the report said. “Iran’s involvement in Latin America is also increasing, and Hezbollah will likely be able to use these budding political and economic ties as cover for its operations.”
Vargas said Hezbollah’s networks in Latin America could be used by Sunni extremists to get to the United States. “That is a workable situation,” he said. “If they disclose they are ISIL or any other group, I doubt that even the Shias will help out. Even [drug] cartels are killing anyone who appears extremist. It is bad for their business.”
According to Vargas, Guatemala remains a weak link for regional security services. A sophisticated alien smuggling operation that is capable of moving foreign nationals into the United States from Africa and other states has been centered in that Central American state for at least the past six years.
The Washington Times reported in June that an international alien smuggling network centered in Brazil helped sneak illegal immigrants from Middle Eastern states to the United States, including an Afghan linked to a terror plot in North America.
At least a dozen Middle Easterners reached the Western Hemisphere through this alien smuggling ring that facilitated travel to Mexico, the Times reported, quoting internal government documents.
The aliens involved Palestinians, Pakistanis, and the Afghan man with ties to the Taliban.
Some of the aliens were stopped before entering the United States but others succeeded in crossing the U.S. border.
One transit route used in the past by alien smugglers was identified in a recent Justice Department alien smuggling case that traced illegal immigrants from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa to Honduras, then to Guatemala and finally to Mexico and into the United States.
The cost of getting into the United States can reach $400 or more per person, and the illegal immigrants are provided with transportation, covert smuggling contacts along routes into the country, as well as instructions on how to illegally cross the U.S. border. The instructions in the past have included armed guides who ferry illegal aliens across U.S.-Mexico border rivers on inner tubes.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified during a Senate hearing in February that Islamic State terrorists would try to infiltrate the United State posing as immigrants.
“That’s one technique they’ve used is taking advantage of the torrent of migrants to insert operatives into that flow,” Clapper said. “As well, they also have available to them—and are pretty skilled at phony passports so they can travel ostensibly as legitimate travelers as well.”

Take a Gander at This Amazing, Yet Little Known, 9-11 Story

Take a Gander at This Amazing, Yet Little Known, 9-11 Story

From a flight attendant on Delta Flight 15, written following 9-11:
On the morning of Tuesday, September 11, we were about 5 hours out of Frankfurt, flying over the North Atlantic.
All of a sudden the curtains parted and I was told to go to the cockpit, immediately, to see the captain.
As soon as I got there I noticed that the crew had that “All Business” look on their faces. The captain handed me a printed message. It was from Delta’s main office in Atlanta and simply read, “All airways over the Continental United States are closed to commercial air traffic. Land ASAP at the nearest airport. Advise your destination.”
No one said a word about what this could mean. We knew it was a serious situation and we needed to find terra firma quickly. The captain determined that the nearest airport was 400 miles behind us in Gander, Newfoundland.
He requested approval for a route change from the Canadian traffic controller and approval was granted immediately — no questions asked. We found out later, of course, why there was no hesitation in approving our request.
While the flight crew prepared the airplane for landing, another message arrived from Atlanta telling us about some terrorist activity in the New York area. A few minutes later word came in about the hijackings.
We decided to LIE to the passengers while we were still in the air. We told them the plane had a simple instrument problem and that we needed to land at the nearest airport in Gander, Newfoundland, to have it checked out.
We promised to give more information after landing in Gander. There was much grumbling among the passengers, but that’s nothing new! Forty minutes later, we landed in Gander. Local time at Gander was 12:30 PM …. that’s 11:00 AM EST.
There were already about 20 other airplanes on the ground from all over the world that had taken this detour on their way to the US.
After we parked on the ramp, the captain made the following announcement: “Ladies and gentlemen, you must be wondering if all these airplanes around us have the same instrument problem as we have. The reality is that we are here for another reason.”
Then he went on to explain the little bit we knew about the situation in the US. There were loud gasps and stares of disbelief. The captain informed passengers that Ground control in Gander told us to stay put.
The Canadian Government was in charge of our situation and no one was allowed to get off the aircraft. No one on the ground was allowed to come near any of the air crafts. Only airport police would come around periodically, look us over and go on to the next airplane.
In the next hour or so more planes landed and Gander ended up with 53 airplanes from all over the world, 27 of which were US commercial jets.
Meanwhile, bits of news started to come in over the aircraft radio and for the first time we learned that airplanes were flown into the World Trade Center in New York and into the Pentagon in DC.
People were trying to use their cell phones, but were unable to connect due to a different cell system in Canada . Some did get through, but were only able to get to the Canadian operator who would tell them that the lines to the U.S. were either blocked or jammed.
Sometime in the evening the news filtered to us that the World Trade Center buildings had collapsed and that a fourth hijacking had resulted in a crash. By now the passengers were emotionally and physically exhausted, not to mention frightened, but everyone stayed amazingly calm.
We had only to look out the window at the 52 other stranded aircraft to realize that we were not the only ones in this predicament.
We had been told earlier that they would be allowing people off the planes one plane at a time. At 6 PM, Gander airport told us that our turn to deplane would be 11 am the next morning.
Passengers were not happy, but they simply resigned themselves to this news without much noise and started to prepare themselves to spend the night on the airplane.
Gander had promised us medical attention, if needed, water, and lavatory servicing.
And they were true to their word.
Fortunately we had no medical situations to worry about. We did have a young lady who was 33 weeks into her pregnancy. We took REALLY good care of her. The night passed without incident despite the uncomfortable sleeping arrangements.
About 10:30 on the morning of the 12th a convoy of school buses showed up. We got off the plane and were taken to the terminal where we went through Immigration and Customs and then had to register with the Red Cross.
After that we (the crew) were separated from the passengers and were taken in vans to a small hotel.
We had no idea where our passengers were going. We learned from the Red Cross that the town of Gander has a population of 10,400 people and they had about 10,500 passengers to take care of from all the airplanes that were forced into Gander!
We were told to just relax at the hotel and we would be contacted when the US airports opened again, but not to expect that call for a while.
We found out the total scope of the terror back home only after getting to our hotel and turning on the TV, 24 hours after it all started.
Meanwhile, we had lots of time on our hands and found that the people of Gander were extremely friendly. They started calling us the “plane people.” We enjoyed their hospitality, explored the town of Gander and ended up having a pretty good time.
Two days later, we got that call and were taken back to the Gander airport. Back on the plane, we were reunited with the passengers and found out what they had been doing for the past two days.
What we found out was incredible…..
Gander and all the surrounding communities (within about a 75 Kilometer radius) had closed all high schools, meeting halls, lodges, and any other large gathering places. They converted all these facilities to mass lodging areas for all the stranded travelers.
Some had cots set up, some had mats with sleeping bags and pillows set up.
ALL the high school students were required to volunteer their time to take care of the “guests.”
Our 218 passengers ended up in a town called Lewisporte, about 45 kilometers from Gander where they were put up in a high school. If any women wanted to be in a women-only facility, that was arranged.
Families were kept together. All the elderly passengers were taken to private homes.
Remember that young pregnant lady? She was put up in a private home right across the street from a 24-hour Urgent Care facility. There was a dentist on call and both male and female nurses remained with the crowd for the duration.
Phone calls and e-mails to the U.S. and around the world were available to everyone once a day.
During the day, passengers were offered “Excursion” trips.
Some people went on boat cruises of the lakes and harbors. Some went for hikes in the local forests.
Local bakeries stayed open to make fresh bread for the guests.
Food was prepared by all the residents and brought to the schools. People were driven to restaurants of their choice and offered wonderful meals. Everyone was given tokens for local laundry mats to wash their clothes, since luggage was still on the aircraft.
In other words, every single need was met for those stranded travelers.
Passengers were crying while telling us these stories. Finally, when they were told that U.S. airports had reopened, they were delivered to the airport right on time and without a single passenger missing or late. The local Red Cross had all the information about the whereabouts of each and every passenger and knew which plane they needed to be on and when all the planes were leaving. They coordinated everything beautifully.
It was absolutely incredible.
When passengers came on board, it was like they had been on a cruise. Everyone knew each other by name. They were swapping stories of their stay, impressing each other with who had the better time.
Our flight back to Atlanta looked like a chartered party flight. The crew just stayed out of their way. It was mind-boggling.
Passengers had totally bonded and were calling each other by their first names, exchanging phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses.
And then a very unusual thing happened.
One of our passengers approached me and asked if he could make an announcement over the PA system. We never, ever allow that. But this time was different. I said “of course” and handed him the mike. He picked up the PA and reminded everyone about what they had just gone through in the last few days.
He reminded them of the hospitality they had received at the hands of total strangers.
He continued by saying that he would like to do something in return for the good folks of Lewisporte.
“He said he was going to set up a Trust Fund under the name of DELTA 15 (our flight number). The purpose of the trust fund is to provide college scholarships for the high school students of Lewisporte.
He asked for donations of any amount from his fellow travelers. When the paper with donations got back to us with the amounts, names, phone numbers and addresses, the total was for more than $14,000!
“The gentleman, a MD from Virginia , promised to match the donations and to start the administrative work on the scholarship. He also said that he would forward this proposal to Delta Corporate and ask them to donate as well.
As I write this account, the trust fund is at more than $1.5 million and has assisted 134 students in college education.
“I just wanted to share this story because we need good stories right now. It gives me a little bit of hope to know that some people in a faraway place were kind to some strangers who literally dropped in on them.
It reminds me how much good there is in the world.”
“In spite of all the rotten things we see going on in today’s world this story confirms that there are still a lot of good people in the world and when things get bad, they will come forward.
*This is one of those stories that need to be shared. Please do so…*

Sunday, August 21, 2016

This Video Shows Why There’s No Such Thing As ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control

This Video Shows Why There’s No Such Thing As ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control

Ignorance of guns and a desire to ban them seem to be directly related.
A new undercover video reveals how little gun control advocates actually know about the objects they want to ban. Posing as volunteers for “Citizen Coalition for Common Sense Gun Reform,” a fictitious gun-control group, two conservative media personalities conducted man-on-the-street interviews with individuals who said they wanted “common sense” gun control measures.
A startling trend among the responders was that they wanted to ban weapons that were “black and scary,” even if their function was similar to another less “scary” looking gun. Some even mistook some rifles to be fully automatic — a class of weapon which has been heavily regulated since 1934 — while others used incorrect terminology, like “fully semi-automatic,” when describing the guns in front of them.
The term “assault weapon” gets thrown around a lot — but it’s not actually a technical term at all. It was invented by politicians with an agenda. It’s not an actual classification of a weapon, as neither the military nor gun manufacturers use that term. “Fully semi-automatic,” isn’t a real term either: fully automatic weapons fire multiple rounds with one pull of the trigger, while semi-automatic weapons fire only one round per trigger pull.
Despite knowing next to nothing about the guns they wanted to ban, the gun controllers were frighteningly quick to sign a petition in favor of making firearms illegal to purchase or possess.
This isn’t anything new. Politicians and the media are able to perpetuate lies about guns and gun violence all the time because the public knows so little about guns or the laws that regulate.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

EXPOSED – ‘Black Lives’ Leader Arrested On SHOCKING Charges, National Media Hides It

EXPOSED – ‘Black Lives’ Leader Arrested On SHOCKING Charges, National Media Hides It

There are people who truly sacrifice and dedicate their lives to the betterment of society. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one such man. With nothing to hide, he marched through the Democrat South seeking to be “free at last,” so that all people – not just black people – could be free.However, there are those who only claim to be advocates or social crusaders, who do so just to bolster their low self-esteem or to fraudulently elevate their “fame quotient.” One such miscreant is a former Black Lives Matter leader from Atlanta, Tyree “Sir Maejor” Page. It appears this “black social justice” leader has been arrested multiple times for…wait for it…impersonating a police officer.

It is ironic – and at the very least pathetic – that someone who sought the spotlight to castigate law enforcement wanted so badly to be a law enforcement officer. It proves Page was nothing more than a two-bit fame seeker.
Page became one of the faces of leadership for the Black Lives Matter movement in the days following the chaotic and raucous marches through Atlanta’s streets protesting fatal police shootings. Page was even a member of a group that met with Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed to demand changes in police training and tactics. He was even a featured speaker at the ensuing joint news conference.
In the joint news conference with Mayor Reed and Atlanta Police Chief George Turner, Page said, “We stand on the shoulders of those that have paved the way for us to be able to protest in the streets and to be able to have our voices heard.”
However, when politicians and law enforcement leadership don’t do their due diligence on understanding who they are commiserating with, embarrassing situations can develop. They certainly did in this case.
Page had already been arrested – multiple times – for impersonating a police officer. In fact, his social media pages are loaded with pictures of him decked out with weapons and tactical gear.
In December 2014, Atlanta police charged Page with impersonating a police officer when they found him at a gas station “wearing a replica of the Atlanta police officer uniform” and armed with a Glock 45 automatic pistol and other police-relevant gear. He had a black female handcuffed in front of the gas station. Page said he was working security there, but this was found to be untrue.
In October 2015, police arrested Page, who was again armed and wearing a bulletproof vest, outside a MARTA station. He, stupidly, demanded to see identification from a man who turned out to be an Atlanta Police Department sergeant.
And again, Page was arrested this January after he “blustered” his way past security guards at a high-security state office building. He claimed he was an FBI agent. Court records evidence he was carrying a gun. Stunningly, he managed to gain access to the Secretary of State’s corporate records office. One witness at the Sloppy Floyd state office building said that Page “had more weapons than I’ve ever seen an officer wear.”
However, our plea bargain legal system being what it is, Page was allowed to evade the three felony counts of impersonating a law enforcement officer by pleading guilty to lesser charges of obstruction and carrying a weapon in an unauthorized location.
Page is currently on two years of probation.
Page and the Black Lives Matter Atlanta faction of the movement parted ways a few months back—but being the opportunist he is, Page started his own group: Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta.
This is the opportunistic face of Black Lives Matter. It is a gaggle of disingenuous, victimhood class, special interest narcissists who ignore the statistics refuting their ridiculous claims even as they set their own neighborhoods on fire in protest.
Of course, the judge in the plea bargain should have sentenced Page to being on the front lines of the BLM riots. That would have been a proper punishment for this so-called “activist.”

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Thomas Jefferson

"Those who hammer their guns
into plows will plow for those
who do not." Thomas Jefferson

Monday, August 15, 2016

How To Buy A Silencer Without Really Trying

How To Buy A Silencer Without Really Trying

By Tom McHale
Gun guy, Tom Mchale, gives us a quick look at the new process for individuals and trusts on how to buy a silencer.

How To Buy A Silencer
How To Buy A Silencer Without Really Trying
Tom McHale headshot low-res square
Tom McHale
USA –- Every time I go to the range with a couple of suppressors, I get the question, “Can anyone buy one of those?”
Yes, still, after decades of legality, it’s still a common question, probably because Uncle Spendy makes the process of buying and owning one so darn confusing.
Here, we’re going to take on the herculean, and most likely impossible, task of translating government regulation-speak into common English and a set of easy to follow steps, so you can figure out how to buy a silencer or suppressor if you so desire.
The whole process just changed somewhat, thanks to the implementation of ATF Rule 41F, which took effect July 13, 2016. Under the new rules, the purchase process became easier for some and more difficult for others.

The net-net explanation is that there are two ways to legally buy a suppressor – as an individual or as a legal entity like a trust or corporation. For individuals, restrictions have lightened up a bit. For entities, you have to do more legwork.

While pros and cons of buying as an individual or trust is a whole separate discussion, it’s worth a brief diversion here to look at the big pros and cons.
If you buy as an individual, you fill out paperwork, jump through some hoops, and you own a suppressor. As far as overly-complicated government processes go, it’s a fairly straightforward process. However, you are the only one who can own and use the suppressor. You can’t loan it to someone else. You can’t transfer it to a friend or family member without them going through the whole process you just did.

Springfield Armory XDM Threaded Models in 9mm and .45 ACP shown here with a SilencerCo Osprey (top) and SilencerCo Octane (bottom)
Springfield Armory XDM Threaded Models in 9mm and .45 ACP shown here with a SilencerCo Osprey (top) and SilencerCo Octane (bottom)
SilencerCo Salvo 12 Shotgun Silencer
SilencerCo Salvo 12 Shotgun Silencer
If you go to the trouble and expense to set up a legal entity like a gun trust, it’ll cost you a couple hundred bucks for the legal work to create your trust. However, when the trust buys a suppressor, all trustees designated on that trust have legal access to use suppressors, buy more on behalf of the trust, or sell them later. Multiple people have legal authority to use it. As an example, I use a trust for all of my immediate family members so any of us can use any of our collective suppressors. If I die, those I leave behind have full legal right to continue owning and using the silencers.

How To Buy A Silencer

So back to the how-to process. Let’s take a quick look at the new process for individuals and trusts. We’ll ignore how it used to be because you can’t do that anymore anyway.
If you’re buying a suppressor as an individual, your life is a little bit easier with implementation of 41F, mainly because you no longer need to get specific permission from your chief law enforcement officer (CLEO). We’ll explain that in a minute.

Here are the steps on how to buy a silencer as an individual:

Step 1: Choose the suppressor you want from a dealer like SilencerCo. You’ll probably have to pay for it up front, or at least leave a deposit, but that’s up to your dealer. They’ll need some money because they’ll have to hold it for some undetermined number of months while Uncle Sam laboriously scrutinizes your paperwork.
Step 2: Your dealer will help you fill out a BATFE Form 4 titled “Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm.” Yes, this is for a suppressor, but the paperwork is for other National Firearm Act items too like short barrel rifles. The form asks for information on the specific silencer, its make and model, serial number and so on. It also contains information about you, the buyer. On the back are a series of questions that affirm your legal ability to purchase this item. The requirements are essentially the same as when you pass an NICS check to buy a regular firearm. If you’re not a convicted felon, currently indicted for a felony, drug user, mental defective, and don’t have a restraining order, you’re probably OK.
Step 3: You’ll need to attach a fingerprint card and a 2×2-inch photograph of yourself taken within the past year. Basically, this is a common passport photo. This is a good place to mention how enterprising people have made the process much, much easier. If you buy a suppressor through the SilencerCo network of dealers they offer a useful download, EasyGuide To Purchasing A Silencer .
Step 4: Next, you’ll need to send a copy of the completed Form 4 from Step 2 to your local Chief Law Enforcement Officer. This is a bit of a chicken and egg situation as the Form 4 asks for the name and address information of the CLEO in your area where you sent a copy of the same Form 4. Just fill it out with the right contact information, then send it to your CLEO. Here’s a positive change for individual purchasers. Before, you would have had to get permission from your local CLEO before even submitting your application to the ATF. Many CLEOs in less gun friendly areas simply would not approve suppressor applications, thereby creating a de-facto ban on suppressor ownership in their area of jurisdiction. Now, you don’t need their permission, you only have to inform them, and they can’t prevent your purchase without a legal reason proving that you are ineligible.
Step 5: Package all this up, along with a check, money order, or credit card number and send it off to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Your dealer will help you with this to make sure you’ve got everything together.
Step 6: Wait. And wait. And wait some more. It’ll take months. How many depends on how nervous people are about the pending political situation. If it looks like Hillary is going to win, there will be a flood of suppressor applications and the ATF will get backlogged again, causing delays of a year or more. At time this article was written (August 2016), you’ll probably only have to wait a few months to get your approval back.

National Firearms Act Transfer Stamp
National Firearms Act Transfer Stamp
Step 7: Eventually, you’ll get a letter from the ATF with a copy of your Form 4 with an attractive and colorful stamp attached. This is your permission slip to take possession of the suppressor you paid for that’s been collecting dust while the ATF dilly dallies around with your application. Make photocopies of this and keep one with the suppressor at all times – you have to produce it if asked by law enforcement. Stash the original away somewhere safe.
If you buy as a trust, the process is almost identical. The only difference is that all trustees will have to do the fingerprints, passport photos, and complete an ATF Form 5320.23 Responsible Person Questionnaire each time the trust acquires a silencer. As a result, your application packet will be about an inch thick, which is really funny because the fine print on all these forms always has a notice about the National Paperwork Reduction Act. Hmmm, imagine that.
That’s all my advice on how to buy a silencer. It sounds harder than it really is, and a good dealer knows this process cold and can walk you right through it.

Well, folks, this is a great example of your tax dollars at work. All this, just to buy a muffler to protect your hearing and those around you.