Monday, March 2, 2015

YIKES! Did A Nuke Just Go Off In Ukraine?! Breaking Footage Of MASSIVE Explosion In Donetsk!

Pay $1 Shipping for FREE RadSticker Dosimeter (limit 1,000)
This 33 second video from Febuary 8th never made the national news, not even Drudge, despite that fact that it has over 3,000,000 plays on Youtube. Alex Jones aka Bill Hicks) even played information gatekeeper on it by changing the story from the original “breaking” story of a nuke, to later explaining that it was a chemical plant. What do you think it was? But the bigger question is, why wasn’t it injected into the 24 hour news cycle for the talking heads to speculate on for at least a day? Could it be that the powers that be decided it wasn’t the time for the next nuclear fear porn? Why would they do that? Is it because that the real “black swan” event scheduled to trigger WWIII is set to be nukes?
Since President Clinton defunded the US Civil Defense program in the late 90s, Shane Connor at has been one of very few in the “survivalist” corner preaching that nuclear war is survivable, and that it is probably coming to the US at some point. His now famous article “The Good News About Nuclear Destruction” and the companion “What To Do if a Nuclear Disaster is Imminent” are absolute must reads, and if you didn’t read our article “Catastrophic Radiation Events & How to Survive,” we cover Shane’s CDV meter reconditioning service, and explain the basics of bigtime radiation, including having some absolutely essential Potassium Iodide on hand.
The problem with this whole subject of nuclear holocaust is that unless something happens, nobody seems to be all that interested. Our radiation articles here have been among the least clicked of the Prepping 101 series, but in many ways it is the most important. Because with the exception of intentional famines like the one that killed 30,000,000 people (coincidentally in Ukraine), even in times of war and collapse, people generally have been able to survive with what is left of the original infrastructure. Nuclear weapons, however, have been used in war already, and if you believe the video above, are potentially being used right now.
To garner awareness of his principles (ie. survival in a nuclear conflict), Shane has decided to give away at least 1,000 of his free “RadStickers” and charge you only $1 in shipping, which I doubt even covers the envelope and stamp. RadStickers usually sell for $5 each, and we have included below several links to retailers to buy them directly. The RadStickers are the modern equivalent of the original CDV dosimeters, but they haven’t sat around in storage for 50 years. I am unaware of any competing product, and if anything, the ability to buy them so cheap explains the passion that Shane has had to protect the American people from the effects of what is probably an inevitable nuclear conflict. We have covered the work of Joel Skousen in the past regarding this subject. This video from Ukraine, clearly shot on purpose by someone told to direct his camera in that direction at a given time, possibly accelerates Joel’s timetable.
Radiation has no smell, makes no noise, and you can’t see it. Low level radiation meters like we covered in this series blank out at nuclear bomb levels. Without some warning that radiation has reached you, any human body in the zone will suffer a slow and painful withering death. If you are an “early reader” of the digest, get your free RadSticker right away, and if you missed it, buy some for heavens sake! The only downside to these stickers as opposed to the CDV dosimeters is that you can’t reset them. They are linear, so until normal background radiation renders them useless, the scale is the scale, and if it all of a sudden speeds up you know you are in trouble. Read up on our prior article as well as we covered the CDV dosimeters in detail.
Shane does not sell RadStickers or his other low cost products directly anymore from after the circus following Fukushima, (a small meltdown of a small nuclear power plant on the other side of the world). If you have any doubt that “ten years too early is better than one day late” when it comes to radiation, check out what Shane had to say when I asked him why he only sells his $750 NukeAlert meter (which we hope to review soon), and another big ticket called “The Package” at $815 (which includes some Potassium Iodide, books on nuclear survival, CDV meter, keychain NukeAlert, CDV dosimeters with charger and other stuff). Quote:
At the height of Fukushima we had 20 orders per minute coming in here,
we shut it off at about 8,500 orders to focus solely from then on to only
packing & shipping. We removed our order submit button and listed then
all our dealers to go buy our remaining stock from whom we’d shipped it
all to, other than what we needed to fulfill orders already here. That whole
episode about killed us as we sold over 6 million doses of KI and tens of
thousands NukAlerts, RADStickers, etc. We’d unplugged our phones for
a week and brought in 20 more people to help with our packing & shipping
and still had people driving from all over Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana
and lining up outside our door 24 hours/day to buy direct. The cars were
lined up the road, it was crazy. And, we are not a retail store, we don’t even
have a sign on the building, but they found us.

So if you want to go buy some RadStickers or other stuff, here are links to the retailers that seem to carry most of Shane’s stuff:
Shepherd Survival:
Alerts USA:
Advanced Mart:

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