Saturday, December 5, 2015

Lets Call it For What it Is – Another Attack by Radicalized Muslims

Lets Call it For What it Is – Another Attack by Radicalized Muslims

PrintI was not surprised when Obama and Hillary both started calling for more “gun control” within minutes of the shooting in San Bernardino, California being reported… They didn’t even wait until the victims bodies were cold, before using the tragedy to push their agenda of disarming law-a-biding Americans…
They and the anti-second amendment mainstream media are like vultures circling the dead bodies of the victims, while salivating with thoughts of furthering their agenda, and that is the total disarmament of law-abiding Americans. It’s a sickening display but one I’ve came to expect.
Obama’s main objective is to be to ban the sell of any firearm to anyone on their “watch list” no judge, jury or conviction. Just a secret list that anyone can get on for any reason without notice, charges or conviction for any crime.
What happened to innocent until proven guilty? What happened to a fair trial? But as we’ve seen the Obama regime could not care less about the law or the rights of American citizens. And once such a law is passed what would stop him from putting his political enemies, or the whole country on the “watch list” effectively nullifying the second amendment?
But then aren’t we all already being watched and listened to throughout every aspect of our daily lives?
What they fail to mention is that the state of California has the strictest gun laws in the country, including universal background checks, a ban on so-called “assault rifles” and magazines of over ten round capacity… Yet the mass shooting yesterday in San Bernardino, California happened, and the strict California gun laws and out-right bans did nothing to stop it…
And let’s not forget the recent mass shooting in France where over 120 people were murdered by Muslim extremists despite the fact that french guns laws are some of the most restrictive and limiting in the world. And yet those laws only severed to disarm law-abiding French thus making them easy targets for their killers.
According to the The Guardian:
The country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe’s open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons means assault rifles are relatively easy to come by on the black market.
Military-grade guns are banned in France, and even people who want to own a handgun or hunting rifle have to go through strict checks on their background and mental health.
But in recent years a black market has proliferated. The number of illegal weapons has risen at a rapid rate – double-digit percentages – for several years, according to the National Observatory for Delinquency
So it should be obvious to anyone with even an ounce of commonsense that more gun laws and restrictions only restricts law-abiding citizens and, makes them an easy target for mass shooting attacks.
It was also reported by CNBC that police found 12 pipe bombs at the attackers’ home:
The suspected San Bernardino attackers left behind 12 pipe bombs and more than 2000 rounds of ammunition at their home, San Bernardino City Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said Thursday.
So even without guns they would have been able to attack and murder their victims, and probably would have taken more lives in the process…
But the rhetoric spewing out of the mouths of Obama, Hillary, and the media isn’t really about protecting anyone it’s about furthering their agenda. If they really cared about the safety of Americans, then there would not be a wide open southern border, nor would they be demanding that we ship in and pay for hundreds of thousands or new radicalized terrorists, refugees to the United States…
Also as expected the Obama regime and their controlled media have been jumping all around the obvious that it was  another act of terrorism on U.S. soil that was carried out by radicalized Muslims, instead, I keep hearing reports of “a possible case of workplace violence” and to early to say if it was “terrorism related” I call bullshit.
Let’s look at the facts, the male shooter Syed Farook, identified himself on his dating profile on Arab Lounge dot-com as Allah fearing and looking for a girl who would wear a hijab. He had also made several trips to the middle east. He had also spent several weeks in Saudi Arabia in 2013 on the Hajj, the annual pilgrammage to Mecca and eventually he brought the other shooter Tashfeen Malik (his wife at the time of the shooting) back to the U.S. in July 2014.
Enough of the “politically correct” B.S. already, lets call it what it was and that is another attack by radicalized Muslims. I’m also wondering what happened to the third suspect that eyewitnesses reported seeing?

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