Friday, February 5, 2016

difficult to believe that Hillary Clinton is not just another bought and paid for politician

Subject: Release ALL Transcripts


I find it difficult to believe that Hillary Clinton is not just another bought and paid for politician by Wall Street.  The exorbitant amount of money she was paid per speech begs the question:  What was promised to them by her?  What did they discuss?  Democrats need to know that their candidate for president isn't already selling them out and the game is rigged against them.  Hillary can reassure the voters by releasing the transcripts.  At the debate, she refused to make any such assurances and said she would look into it.  Well that isn't good enough for me.

That's why I signed a petition to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Candidate for President, which says:

"As a progressive democrat, I call on Secretary Clinton to release the transcripts from all her paid speeches.  She claims it was just about chit chat.  Well I want to see."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


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