Sign The Petition Now, Before It's Too Late!
If you own an AR-15, and don’t want your sources
of inexpensive, effective ammunition to be ripped away from you,
then you absolutely must read every word of this urgent
Because if you don’t act now, your AR-15
could get turned into nothing more than an expensive paper weight
because you won’t ever be able to get ammunition for it again
This is 1,000 times worse than any ammo shortage we’ve
suffered over the past few years ...
And it affects anyone who owns guns (not
just AR-15 owners, although they’re the first target as always).
In short, if you care at all about your rights as
an American you must know what’s going on.
Here’s the story ...
In the dead of night on February 13, 2015, the ATF
rammed through a unilateral ban on M855 “green tip”
As if that wasn’t bad enough – the way
they’ve justified their ban – they could use this same
reasoning to ban all AR-15 ammunition
in the near future.
In short, this is nothing more than ....
The Biggest “Back Door”
Attempt At Gun Control
the Federal Government Has Ever Attempted!
And I’m counting on you today to make sure
we don’t let this stand.
Here’s what you need to know ...
Obama has publically stated that his gun control failures
are his “biggest frustration” ... and ... he wants Australian
style gun control in the USA (universal registration and Federal
confiscation) ...
So far, every direct attempt at gun control by Obama’s
administration has failed ...
That’s why the ATF is trying to sneak their
way in the “back door” to gun control by simply banning
ammunition ...
And this new gun control measure by the ATF is aimed
squarely at disarming the American public of one of the most popular
types of AR-15 ammunition.
The most popular rifle in America is the AR-15 and
it uses 5.56/.223 Remington ammunition ...
Now, the two most common 5.56 rounds are the 55gr
M193 and the 62gr “green tip” M855. Both of these are
full metal jacket (FMJ) designs originally used by the military
and have been widely available for sale to civilians for over 30+
years ...
The ATF has announced that they’re now banning
the 62gr M855 because they claim that it has no sporting purpose
and is armor piercing and that they must do it to “protect
law enforcement officers” ...
In 1986, the ATF had previously exempted M855 ammunition
from being labeled “armor piercing” because it found
it “has been recognized as being suitable for target shooting
with rifles due to its accuracy” ...
However, now they are claiming that this ammunition
must be banned because it can be used in both “AR-type”
rifles and “AR-type” handguns.
And simply because it can be fired from a semi-automatic
handgun, they claim they can ban it in the name of officer safety
in accordance with the provisions governing armor piecing ammunition
were originally enacted in the Law Enforcement Officers Protection
Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-408) (“LEOPA”)
In short, if a rifle round can also ... possibly ...
in any way ... be used in a semi-automatic handgun, then it is a
danger to police officers and must be banned.
The problem is: it’s a complete lie!
M855 is not a threat to police officers.
Our research has found no news reports of police officers
ever having been shot with M855 ammunition. Nor have their ever
been any reports of an AR-15 type pistol loaded with M855 ammunition
being used to kill a police officer.
In fact, a 2006 U.S. Department of Justice study found
ZERO instances where an “AR-type” firearm was used to
kill police officers.
Much less an “AR-type” pistol loaded with
M855 ammunition that defeated an officer’s body armor ...
In other words, the ATF is creating an imaginary reason
for banning one of the most common types of AR-15 ammunition available
to civilians.
Why? Simply because they can’t ban your access
to this rifle, so they want to make it harder for you to get cheap,
reliable, ammunition for your AR-15 – the most popular rifle
in America.
Now, even if you don’t care about M855 ammunition,
here’s what you must understand ...
This Ruling Gives The ATF
a Backdoor To
Ban All AR-15 Ammunition In The Future!
The ATF is claiming that they are making this change
to “protect the lives and safety of law enforcement officers
from the threat posed by ammunition capable of penetrating a protective
vest” ...
Essentially the ATF is arguing that if a rifle round
falls under the definition of “Armor piercing” and can
penetrate a police officer’s protective vest ...
AND there is a possibility that it can be fired from
a semi-automatic handgun ...
Then they have the authority to ban it as armor piercing
As you might know ...
Protective vests commonly worn by police officers
are generally of the “soft body armor” type and only
rated to stop common handgun rounds .
That means all AR-15 ammunition will penetrate
common protective vests worn by police officers on patrol because
all AR-15 ammunition are rifle rounds ...
So it stands to reason that if the ATF can get away
with banning M855 because it can penetrate protective vests ...
and because it can be fired from an “AR-type” pistol
... then they can ban every single type of AR-15 ammunition in existence
because they can all penetrate soft body armor designed to stop
nothing bigger than .357 magnum handgun rounds!
And make no mistake ...
The timing of this scandal is not accidental ...
The facts are ...
President Obama is serving his last term in office.
He has no reason to hold back on pushing gun control measures because
he is not worried about being re-elected.
His administration, and the ATF specifically, will
do everything in their power to strip American citizens of their
rights to bear arms ...
And if they can’t do that with outright gun
bans then they will use “back door” methods to make
your rights impotent because they know that a gun without ammunition
is little more than a paperweight.
This is how Americans—
how you will lose your rights
— one inch at a time ...
When the 2nd Amendment was written the founders made
it clear that guns were necessary to ensure the survival of the
new system of liberty—the first of its kind—they had
founded in America
Contrary to the ideas of anti-gun politicians –
it was fully intended that every day American citizens would own
“military grade” weaponry.
In fact, during the American Revolution, in a country
of less than 4 million people, there are records for at least 2,200
privately owned warships.
Even as late as 1925, anyone with $225 could purchase a fully automatic
Thompson Submachine Gun (the famous “Tommy Gun”) by
mail order, or from the local hardware or sporting goods store.It wasn’t until President Franklin Roosevelt passed the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934 that American’s started to see the first inch of Federal gun control strip their rights as machine guns, short barreled rifles, and other items such as silencers were regulated ...
In 1968, more and more inches were taken with the passing of the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA). This is actually one of the laws the ATF is using to try to ban this ammo.
These Gun Control Tactics
Are Based On
The Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 ...
The “Gun Control Act” of 1968 (GCA) attempts
to regulate whether a firearm or its ammunition is legal for you
and I based upon whether it has a “sporting purpose”
or not.
What most people don’t realize is that this
language was written into the GCA by Senator Thomas Dodd, a Senator
who would shortly after be censured and thrown out of office because
of rampant corruption ...
It’s widely believed Senator Dodd got the idea
for the “sporting purposes test” from the Nazi gun control
schemes used to disarm their civilians and murder them ...
Senator Dodd personally owned a copy of the Nazi Weapons
Law of 1938 and according to extensive research, the GCA tracks
the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 in structure in effect.
The most obvious connection is the “sporting
purposes test” – matching the Nazi law almost word-for-word
once translated – that is now being twisted to ban M855 ammunition.
The GCA also asserts that the power to determine whether
a firearm or ammunition has a “sporting purpose” is
vested in the Secretary of the Treasury. The Nazi Weapons Law gave
the same power to its own unelected bureaucracy.
That’s why I must ask you to ...
Gun control is not about guns. It’s about control.
The roots of the current law being used by the ATF
to attempt to ban one of the most common forms of AR-15 ammunition
are straight out of the Nazi Weapons Law playbook ...
As gun owners ... as Americans ... we can’t
let this stand.
Sign the petition below against
the ATF banning M855 ammunition.
If you do nothing, you will lose another source of
cheap, accurate, very versatile ammunition that can be used for
anything from defending your family, to hunting, to target shooting
If you think that this does not concern you because
you are a hunter ... or you don’t like AR-15’s ... or
you only care about your particular ammo because you don’t
use M855, then you are wrong.
If you don’t speak up now ... if you don’t
stand against this ban ... then who will speak up for you when the
ATF suddenly decides – during the cover of darkness over a
holiday weekend – that your favorite ammunition is now unlawful?
Get Angry!
And please sign the petition below.
Only by fighting for our rights, by standing up as
a unified force of Americans can we make the un-elected bureaucrats
in Washington understand that they can’t change our lives
and direct our futures whenever they want to change their own moods.
That’s why I’m sure I can count on you
to sign our petition.
There’s an old saying that applies perfectly
in this situation, "silence gives consent."
If you do not sign this petition, these power-hungry
bureaucrats will know no one cares about its rules.
They’ll think this enormous grab for power by
the ATF has not angered anyone.
So please, say something, because this is the moment
of truth.
Your signature gives decisive democratic legitimacy
to the efforts of our organization Prepared Gun Owners.
And after signing the petition, please forward this
message to all your contacts. Share it on Facebook. Put it on whatever
Social Media you have.
Tell them it's time to act.
There’s no time to lose.
Thank you.
We will keep you informed on the progress of our efforts.
Caleb Lee
President of
Caleb Lee
President of
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Dear ATF,
I strongly oppose reclassifying M855
ammunition as armor piercing!
Because of the high lead-content of
its bullet, M855 does not even meet the BATFE's own definition
of armor piercing ammunition.
M855 is simply accurate ammunition
that has been used for sporting purposes for many years.
I myself use it.
Nothing, including new handguns that
are capable of shooting M855 ammunition, changes that fact.
Finally, the recent rulings by the
United States Supreme Court that the Second Amendment protects
an individual's right to keep and bear arms, by necessity
also protects an individual's right to have ammunition designed
for use with those arms.
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