Thursday, April 14, 2016

Backyard Barbecues and Smokers In Danger From EPA Regulators

Because the lunatic, ManBearPig-loving psychos at the EPA haven’t already waged enough war on the United States with their overreaching regulations, they now want to regulate something that is an American past-time.
No, not baseball but they’d probably come up with a reason to do so if they could.
The EPA now wants to regulate your gas grill because… pollution… or something. They’ve given a grant to the University of California to figure out how to make the pleasure of grilling turn into cooking from hell.

From the EPA:
To perform research and develop preventative technology that will reduce fine particulate emissions (PM2.5) from residential barbecues. This technology is intended to reduce air pollution as well as health hazards in Southern California, with potential for global application.
Expected Results:
We expect to limit the overall air pollution PM emissions from barbecuing and to alleviate some of the acute health hazards that a barbecue pit master can experience from inhalation.
From Mad World News:
You better guard your burgers, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is coming after your grill.
In the midst of a court battle trying to declare your drainage ditch is navigable waters, charging farmers thousands in fines, barring of collecting rain water for gardening, and other over-reach as of late, the EPA has turned their eyes more and more to the home owner. There have been propositions to target your lawn mower, your weed eaters, and now your BBQ grill.
The agency has announced granting $15,000 to the University of California to develop technology to reduce particle emissions for residential propane BBQ grills. Of all the things to concentrate on, they are worried about grease from meats getting onto the propane jets that burn clean with very little CO2 to reduce air pollution. They feel it would not only help with “global warming” but also cut down on “health hazards.” While the initial technology will be used primarily in Southern California, they see the “potential for global application.”

Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. When the federal government starts to get into the minutiae of Americans’ lives like this, there is a serious problem. The EPA under the Obama Administration has been completely out of control since he first took office and there seems to be no end to their lunacy.
These are the same people who would regulate cow flatulence if they were able

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