Tuesday, February 28, 2017


I just seen on the news where 2 white kids, early twenties looked like, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for flying the Confederate battle flag. Charged under a law that was meant to target gang activities. They are not members of any street gang nor any other type of club or group. This is BULLSHIT. what about the Constitutional law against excessive punishment for a crime, and WHAT CRIME WAS COMMITTED ?? Whether you support the flying of the Confederate battle flag or not it is protected under our FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE. The judge that handed this sentence down should be sent to PRISON for crimes against the Constitution. Rioters and looters burn our cities and police cars to the ground and get away with it with no charges of any kind. WTF has happened here, somebody has got to STOP SHIT LIKE THIS!  Child molesters, rapist and murderers get less time in prison for their TRUE CRIMES then this....5 pickup trucks riding around flying the Confederate battle flag IS NOT A CRIME .  These kids fell out crying in tears and sobs when the dumb ass judge handed this sentence down, they are not criminal's or gang members, THIS COULD JUST AS EASILY BEEN YOUR KIDS SENT TO 20 YEARS IN PRISON FOR FLYING A TEXAS FLAG OR A MALCOLM X FLAG OR ANY OTHER SYMBOL THAT THEY HAVE THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO SUPPORT. This judge needs to be REMOVED from holding office or law license of any type.   The same for the prosecutor in the case, this is nothing but out right ass kissing the liberals, MAYBE PRESIDENT TRUMP CAN STEP IN AND HELP with a pardon, hell obama handed out more pardons than any other President ever has, SOMEBODY HAS GOT TO STEP IN AND HELP THESE KIDS NOW. This boy and girl are not criminals but after 20 years in prison they will damn sure be criminals when they get out! 

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